Just an update for what’s been happening.
I know at least visitor has been to my site. As I spoke to a fellow Entropian. He commented that he was an IT guy and that it looks like my web site had been established prior to the timelines that I told him, so I am taking that as a compliment. I have only started created this web site on the 14th of Feb 15.
I have been spending my spare time updating this web site, Sweating animals on Entropia, completing click ads while listening to the Entropia Partners - Loyalty Radio station.
I have started walking between areas that I used to fly, using the safe mode option to see dung fruit and stones. So far I have found 330 Bombardo, 121 Haimoros, 70 Caroot, 48 Nissit stones, 53 Kaldon stones and 353 Dung.
So here is how much I gained.
Loyalty Radio - 5.35 Ped
Clixsense - 0.6760 USD (remember I can only do the ad clicks atm) - 6.76 Ped
Pure Profile - 18.30 AUD - 141.9 Ped
My Opinions - 553 Points (2300 = 20USD) - 48.08 Ped
My Surveys - 5.00 AUD - 38.8 Ped
Ped to Click - 2.68 Ped
Sub Total - 243.57 Ped
Sweating - Sold 4063 - 8.12 Ped
CLD - 8.07 Ped
AUD - 1.40 Ped
Total - 253.04 Ped This does not include any loot I have picked up or the 2k sweat I have in my inventory atm.
I have started to become active on Planet Arkadia Forum, I have already met some nice people and the people are there to help each other, It is a well structured site, it has a forum currency, which is fairly new and from the talk around the site, will be used to buy gifts, extras, in game items and possibly RL items in the future.
So that is all for now, I will continue to update this on a regular basis.
Cheers Macca