Affiliates rewards program
Well it has been five days since I have been able to write a blog, I have been busy with work commitments. As I have stated before I am not creating this web site to claim that I have a get rich quick scheme. I am creating it to help others find information about Entropia Universe and in turn advertise the sites be it PTC or Survey sites that I have tried and tested.
I will post up the ones that I feel have the best outcome. I hope that people of similar interests to myself will want to join these sites and take a similar path to mine in their path to "Earning Free Ped". So I am going to run a monthly competition and if you join one of my linked sites and become one of my affiliates, the affiliate with the most on the 28th of each month, I will give them 5% of their earnings back.
I have had time to sweat and do PTC / Survey websites, I will update the photos on their respective pages.
Due to the current need for Entropians to get 10 000 sweat for a passport. I am not completely schooled up on this. Sweat is selling good on the Arkadia trade channel (#arktrade)
I have learnt some new things about the Oil Rig and will update in due time.
I managed to do some walking and was able to find some Caroot and some Dung by foraging. I have a new hint and tip for this.
The AUD are making 0.10 PED a day, Not as high as expected and the CLD are making just over 4 PED a week.