How to get free PED for Entropia Universe ?
My how to play for free guide
Maccadoodles Discount Warehouse
For a current list of items for sale click here
I have brought a shop now (20 Apr 15), I purchased it for 3000 Ped from the auction house, it is located on the out of the way rock Asteroid F.O.M.A-Fortuna.
I have spent a few days setting it up (26 Apr 2015), I now have items for sale it is opened to the public, and I have experimented with the signs out the front. It takes a bit to get the graphics right for the sign. My advice is upload any pictures you want and make them have a clear area where you will write, then add the text using the sign creater in game, as text preplaced on a sign as part of the Jpg, comes out blury. It cost 40 Ped to upload a Jpg file.
I will continue to update as I go along.
When I became first interested in owning a shop or a land area in EU, I had so many questions. I am sure that there are many more people out there that are interested in the same end results as myself. I will keep you informed of things I learn as I progress with my shop.
I have owned and been started to build my shop from the 20 Apr 15. I have started to look into furniture for my shop, such as retail displays and tables to signs and TV's.
I have looked into Shop keeper pads for use not only in my shop but for use turning my neawly purchased house into a shop as well, but the Mark Up (MU) on these items are massive and out of my reach at the moment.
I brought some display signs from th AH, I had to repair them to full TT to get them to operate, Displays and signs need to be over 90% TT to operate. I brought a Megaview for the sign out the front of the F.O.M.A shop. It took some playing around with the picure that I wanted to put on it. I designed it in Windows Paint and Photoshop. I could not get the preview function to work in the Edit screen on EU, so the first uplaod endedup a waste of Ped (40 Ped to be exzact).
When I uploaded the first picture see above, I had the settings at 1024 x 2048, 24 bit colour , however the DPI was 92DPI. when it uploaded it cost 62Ped of which 22Ped was a deposit. The image came out pixelated and the writing was only just able to be read.
From there I cleared all the writing from the picture made the picture double the width with just white background and uploaded it at a cost of an additional 30Ped of which 12Ped was the deposit. I used my uploaded picture as a background and added the writing in using the editor and it seems to be fine.
For more details on how to upload Participant Content (PC) to signs within EU see here.
Since getting my shop I have been trying to improve my Carpenter skills to make shelves and retail benches for my shop.
Whilst setting up my shop, I have found that on F.O.M.A there are little areas beside the entry door that you can not walk in. Unfortunaly you can place items down in these areas but once placed you can not interact with them. It is an easy case of opening up a support case with the admins and it will be all sorted.
Things to note though is the admins can only see how many of an object you have in your estate. Therfore if you have 4 retail benches then you will need to take all items off all benches and ask for all benches to be returned to your carried inventory.
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