How to get free PED for Entropia Universe ?
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Maccadoodles Discount Warehouse
Shop Inventory Update 26/3/16
With prices and MU
All common BP's TT+ 1.02
Sweat 1.5P/k
Vibrant Sweat 4 x 10K – 14.99Ped ea (PM if you want to buy on the go in smaller amounts)
Adaptive Fire Rate Controller x 8, 3.42Ped (142.50%)
Basic Stone Extractor x 72, 1.74Ped (241.67%)
Basic Wood Extractor x 144, 2.46Ped (170.83%)
Blank Arkadian DNA Cartridge 3 x 1, 4.02Ped (134.00%)
Bokol Spinal Plate x 2,6.02Ped (120.40%)
Diluted Cloth Extractor x 133, 2.35Ped (176.65%)
Diluted Sweat x 1633, 17.35Ped (106.25%)
Feren Wing Claw x 4, 4.02Ped (1134.00%)
Hair Gel x 17, Ped (165.38%)
Hair Spray x 10, 1.62Ped (270.00%)
Halix Leg Fur x 9, 5.52Ped (122.67%)
Nusul Ear x 9, 2.82Ped (156.67%)
Oro Skull x 16, 1.50Ped (312.50%)
Tiarak Elbow Spur x 6, 8.52Ped (113.60%)
Tiarak Nail x 19, 4.82Ped (1126.84%)
Zadul Nail x 18, 19.02Ped (105.67%)
Arret Pet x 5, 1.02Ped ea
Combibo Pet x 5, 1.02Ped ea
Nusul Pet x 5, 1.02ea
Nusul Pet (lvl 9) x 1, 32.61Ped, TT+30.72
Pandi PuP Pet x 5, 1.02Ped ea
Rhino Beetle Pet (lvl 8) x 1, 247.07Ped, TT+204.39
Out of stock at the moment
Growth Molecules x 10, 5.72Ped (121.70%)
Lotium Gel x 3, 2.82Ped (156.67%)
Fly Amber x 17, 6.12Ped (120.00%)
Fossil Ammonite x 83, 6.00Ped (120.48%)
Quenta Panel x 4, 2.82 (156.67%)
Regula Powder x 13, 8.82Ped (113.08%)
Terramaster 1 (L) x 1, 3.52Ped (140.80%)
Finder F-101 x 1, 2.22Ped, TT+1.01
Nallo Ceiling Lamp (C) x 6, all TT+ 1.50
Reon-W Sign (PC) x 3, TT+3.06
Lesser Elysia x 179, 18.82Ped (131.42%)
Arkadian Hornet Leather x 46, 3.78Ped (136.96%)
Feran Leather x 37, 8.79Ped (113.13%)
Gallard Leather x 214, 13.86Ped (107.94%)
Halix Leather x 73, 11.97Ped (109.32%)
Monura Male Leather x 47, 5.25Ped (124.11%)
Oro Leather x 5, 2.52Ped (168.00%)
Zadul Leather x 83, 38.37Ped (102.73%)
Advanced Cooling System Unit Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Advanced Fluid Energy Source Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Armament Device II (L) Blueprint (L) x 1, 1.53Ped
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Bearings Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Engine Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Filters Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Nuts Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Power System Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Processor Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Basic Relay Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Basic Rings Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Sensor Blueprint x 1, 1.25Ped
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint x 1, 8.20Ped
Basic Structure Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Tube Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Basic Wires Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Blue Crystal Texture Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Carabok Leather Texture Blueprint x 1, 1.15Ped
Chair Frame Blueprint x 1, 2.13Ped
Composite Plank Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Conduit Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Corner Retail Counter Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Dining Table Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Enkidd Dire S1 (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Explosive Projectiles I Blueprint x 1, 2.08Ped
Explosive Proje3ctiles II Blueprint x 1, 4.10Ped
Extended Breech Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Flame Pattern Pants Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Fuel Cells Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Grooved Metal Texture Blueprint (L) x 1, 1.66Ped
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Heavy Duty Filters Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Insulators Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Lamp Attachments Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L) Blueprint x 1, 17.43Ped
Long Screws Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Loughlin Cutter Two (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Loughlin Smacker One (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Loughlin Smacker Two (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Luna Pattern Pants Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Luna Pattern Shirt Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Lupus Shin Guards (L) Blueprint (L) x 1, 1.19Ped
Lysterium Power Container Blueprint x 1, 11.31Ped
Mannell Shoes Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Metal Mountings Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Multi Pattern Pants Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Multi Pattern Shirt Blueprint x 1, 4.10Ped
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint x 1, 1.04Ped
Nifty Pattern Shirt Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Niko Ceiling Lamp Blueprint x 1, 4.10Ped
O Rings Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Oiled Arkace Boards Blueprint x1, 1.03Ped
Oiled Corria Boards Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Oiled Hekia Boards Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Oiled Miluca Boards Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Outdoor Wicker Couch Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Ozpyn LR S1X1 Blueprint x 1, 8.20Ped
Pall Stool Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Patterned Shirt Series 1 Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Poly-Alloy Strap Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Polymer Rail Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Prancer Leather Texture Blueprint (L) x 1, 1.13Ped
Rubber Lists Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Settler Shin Guards Blueprint x 1, 1.35Ped
Simple I Conductors Blueprint x 1, 2.27Ped
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint x 1, 4.10Ped
Simple II Conductors Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Small Plugs Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Standard Hinge Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Standard Matrix Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Standard Rod Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Standard VisioMem Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Street Pattern Pants Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Tension Straps Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Transformer T-104 Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Triphased Holo Module Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Triphased Wires Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Urban Pattern Shirt Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Vivo T5 (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Weapon Range Enhancer I Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Weapon Range Enhancer IV Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Weapon Skill Modification Enhancer I Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Ziplex B101 Material Texture Bleacher (L) Blueprint x 1, 2.05Ped
Ziplex ‘Fashion Line’ Colourator (L) Blueprint x 1, 1.03Ped
Breer M1a (L) x 1, 24.57Ped (114.23%)
Herman ARK-0 (L) x 2, 4.02Ped (134.00%)
Herman LAW-5 Arctic (L) x 1, 66.26Ped (119.49%)
Isis LLC 3 (L) x 1, 11.05Ped (110.15%)
Jester D-1 x 2, 5.52Ped, TT+1.02
Kinetic Attack Nano Chip I (L) x 1, 5.39Ped (123.24%)
Mann MPH x 1, 4.52Ped, TT+ 1.02 (can be made on demand)
Mann MPH DLx x 1, 7.52Ped, TT+1.02 (can be made on demand)
MarCorp Kallous-5 E.L.M Edition (L) x 1, 36.85Ped (3685.00%)
Piron PBP-0 (L) x 1, 1.85Ped (221.26%)
Piron PBR-0 (L) x 1, 2.30Ped (178.75%)
Piron PLP-0 (L) x 1, 1.81Ped (227.10%)
Piron PLR-2 (L) x 1, 5.92Ped (120.76%)
Piron PLR-22 (L) x 1, 44.43Ped (110.11%)
S & B Ardenner 0 (L) x 1, 4.60Ped (128.31%)
S & B Ardenner 6 (L) x 1, 7.69 (115.27%)
Scott and Barlow LP-0 (L) x 1, 3.69Ped (138.02%)
Scott and Barlow LP-10 x 1, 20.00 (105.37%)
Skildek P 40 (L) x 1, 11.02Ped (110.16%)
Sollomate Opalo x 1, 14.02, TT+10.23
CDF Scout Face-Guard (M) x 1, 3.33Ped TT+1.53
Corvus Gloves (M,L) x 1, 7.43Ped (123.83%)
Musca Arm Guards Adjusted (M) x 1, 14.60Ped, TT+10.40
Musca Gloves Adjusted (M) x 1, 13.12Ped, TT+9.32
Musca Harness Adjusted (M) x 1, 16.66Ped, TT+10.86
Musca Helmet Adjusted (M) x 1, 14.27Ped, TT+11.37
Musca Thigh Guards Adjusted (M) x 1, 15.16, TT+10.96
Pixie Harness (M) x 1, 2.70Ped, TT+2.24
Trailblazer Boots (M) x 1, 6.02Ped, TT+1.02
Omegaton B101 (L) x 2, 1.06 ea (2319.98%)
E-Amp 11 x 2, TT+3.06
Basic Auxiliary Socket x 417, 6.69Ped (117.96%)
Basic Nuts x 1425, 17.17Ped (120.49%)
Basic Relay x 107, 6.83Ped (127.66%)
Combustor x 325, 98.52Ped (101.05%)
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Entropia Universe: is an advanced 3D online virtual environment with a developed planetary system and one universal Real Cash Economy system.
Entropedia: the Entropia wiki, for all you need to know about Entropia
Bob The Builder: This site is very useful for crafting Entropians.
Little Big Mining Logger: Love mining than this site is very useful, Download the free data logger to record all your mining finds.
Arkadia Forum: Each planet has their own forum and there is one for the whole Entropia Universe, Arkadia is my home planet and I use Arkadia Forum.