How to get free PED for Entropia Universe ?
My how to play for free guide
Why I built this web page?
So you have found this web page.... I am guessing that you found it by searching through huge amounts of forums, wikis and associated pages related to Entropia Universe and how to get free PED in Entropia Universe. I was the same...
I was not searching for a get rich quick scheme or of the like; I was searching for a way to get free PED in EU or to minimize the amount of funds that came out of my own pocket. I have read nearly every page on every forum, I have joined a huge number of survey sites, joined a huge amount of PTC sites to get to know what I know now.
I was introduced to Entropia in June 2014 by a friend, he advertised it as a game that you could make money from if you played it right, I am a very keen PC game player, I spend on average 3-4 hours a day playing PC games. I have games that have full inventories of useless crap that I can only give away in game or join the black market trading on forums, such as the ones for WOW and other games of like.
These black market activities take away from the game play and you run the risk of being scammed. When I heard that there was a game where everything has a value and that "money in" could equal "money out", I could sell it in game for a conversion to RL cash, Why would I spend hours playing the games that I can’t.
So I have switch over and now I play Entropia solely. My first goal is to get the game to pay for itself, then from there like all Entropians I will endeavor to make a business inside Entropia and one day, maybe I will profit from the business or land area.
I have built this web site to co-locate the information I have found, for myself and to assist fellow players. This will keep a record of my progress for others to compare, and also assist with expansion of my referral base . (explained in PTC Sites Tab)
There is no real way to get free PED in Entropia Universe, as such and I would like to explain it as getting PED with no or minimal decay.
If you are looking for a How do I get Free PED for Entropia Universe result, you won’t find it here... But just like RL I will show you how you can turn your time into PED and make PED effectively and efficiently.
If you have stumbled across this site by accident and don’t know what Entropia is or even for the Entropians that have not seen the Rising Potentials site.
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Related Links
Entropia Universe: is an advanced 3D online virtual environment with a developed planetary system and one universal Real Cash Economy system.
Entropedia: the Entropia wiki, for all you need to know about Entropia
Bob The Builder: This site is very useful for crafting Entropians.
Little Big Mining Logger: Love mining than this site is very useful, Download the free data logger to record all your mining finds.
Arkadia Forum: Each planet has their own forum and there is one for the whole Entropia Universe, Arkadia is my home planet and I use Arkadia Forum.