How to get free PED for Entropia Universe ?
My how to play for free guide
From the begining....
When I first started playing Entropia, I decided that I was not going to commit RL money into the game. That I would trial the game and see how it is. From very early on in the tutorial I found that the how to get free PED in Entropia Universe attitude doesn't work and you would not get very far without some sort of income. I tried to fight the sweating side of Entropia; I thought that I could jump straight into the crafting side and build my empire from there.
I was wrong... So I started looking into online ways of getting a little bit of funds to pay for the game, without taking it out of my pocket. I first started looking at PTC Sites. These are all covered off in the PTC page on my web site here or by clicking the PTC Sites menu above.
I found some value out of PTC sites, however it is slow and painful, clicking adds at $0.001 at a time, some sites are good if you get on every day, slog at it and check all their lists for bonuses. I continued my search for PTC sites that best suited me and built my list of regulars.
From there I started to uncover survey sites. These are covered off in detail here or by clicking the Surveys tab in the top menu. As with PTC sites, some are better than others but I do get a decent amount from this source.
So up until recently (Feb 15) I have targeted PTC sites and survey sites. I have in this time earned $323.30 (Please be aware that I have not been active from Sep 2014 to Feb 15 due to work commitments). From those figures it works out an average of roughly $100 a month for PTC and Surveys sites combined. I do more surveys than PTC sites. PTC sites were only $94 of that previous value.
I have now hit an area of my Entropian life where I want to move on to bigger things and as we all say during RL "If I knew then what I know now ". With that said I have recently invested RL currency to purchase some Calypso Land Deeds (CLD) and Arkadian Underground Deeds (AUD). I found there was not much information out there or not recent as a lot of info for Entropia has been written years ago. I will keep a track record of my progress of these deeds and keep this web page updated so fellow investors can get a second opinion of their Return Of Investment (ROI). Information on this will be detailed under the In Game menu here.
It is now 6 months on from my purchase of CLD and AUD. I still have the same ones, and they are paying out consistantly each week, the price of them have increased from 140 USD to 180 USD. Therefore I still suggest getting some for yourself as soon as you have the money.
22 Aug 2015 - I have completed Stage 4 on Carabok, I was awarded the Carabok head trophy, which i mounted in my house at Raven Valley 2, I have not done any thing else with this estate as yet. I am working to be a high enough level to kill the mobs that drop shopkeeper pads. I will be using Raven Valley as a second shop for Maccadoodles Discount Warehouse.
I have convinced my wife to create a avatar, and I am not non officially mentoring her. I am currently at lvl 14.51 in Sweat Gatherer, so once I am lvl 15 I will join the mentoring ranks and officially take her on her mentorship.
As for Maccadoodles Discount Warehouse, I have been gathering items to sell, crafting retail benches and display pieces, slowly building a inventory.
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Entropia Universe: is an advanced 3D online virtual environment with a developed planetary system and one universal Real Cash Economy system.
Entropedia: the Entropia wiki, for all you need to know about Entropia
Bob The Builder: This site is very useful for crafting Entropians.
Little Big Mining Logger: Love mining than this site is very useful, Download the free data logger to record all your mining finds.
Arkadia Forum: Each planet has their own forum and there is one for the whole Entropia Universe, Arkadia is my home planet and I use Arkadia Forum.