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Entropia Partners:

                                       I have been a member of Entropia Partners since July 2014, I have always watched the videos to get PED, point to note that EP pays in PED or your relevant virtual currency, therefore the conversion of 1/10 should be looked at for time vs payment. Having said that the short videos that you can watch are worth the PEd and I have recently (Feb15) been using the radio station (loyatly radio) which pays at 0.01 PED every 10 mins just for listening. in the last 2 weeks I have raised 5.35 PED just listening to the radio.


There are other things you can complete on EP, such as their unique game slego, which once you get the hang of is not a bad game and there are tasks to do for crowdflower, however Crowdflower is a site that is on my do not use list as I have had trouble understanding the tasks and they dont tell you that you completed them wrong until the end with no ability to correct your decisions and no payment. But I will leave it up to you to try.


My 60 days has been up listening to Loyalty Radio, I was paid out my radio points, it made my balance go up by 4 Ped.. SO I am now reaching 10 Ped on just having the radio going while I was playing.  AS of the 1 April 15, I have started to trial the Beta  radio  that EP has to offer, it is giving me radio points but no Ped at the time.. Hmmm will keep you guys updated..


26 May 2015, I said I would keep you updated, so here it is I have been using Entropia Partners every day since 15 Feb 2015. I installed flash player on my smart phone and play the radio station during work and whilst driving in the car.

If you are able to carry it with you and click it every hour, just by using the radio feature I have collected 12.54 Ped worth in a month of playing nearly 16 hours a day.


They have started now paying out the radio points once a month, EP payed out the last radion points 20 APril 2015. Since then I have raised 13020 Points. Working off last months values found here.  The points will be currently worth

5.36 Ped when they cash them out this month.






Traffic Monsoon:

                                        I had started to see more and more advertisements for traffic monsoon whilst clicking clixsense. I decided on 21 April 15. It is a great site for advertising your own site. there are not many cash links up for grabs, but as long as you click 10 ads daily, you will be offered cash links that you can click. If you make a purchase of ad clicks for your site you will be updated from 2:1 Ration clicks to a life time 1:1.








Not worth using:





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