Progress report day two
So this is the second day of building my web site, I have finished my day job for today. Yes being a Saturday and I have to work, So this web site is not about throwing away your Real Life (RL) job and living off an income from digital means.
The purpose and my intent is to collect the information that I have spent countless hours on the internet reading posts and searching for new and more efficient ways of getting ahead in Entropia, without drawing too much away from RL.
So I am speanding the time to build this web site, I have entropia playing in the back ground, My avatar is sweating animals and I have the radio loyalty running. I have finished my PTC and surveys for the day. I will keep a running track of the amount of money/PED that I am earning, however for the next month it will be lower than normal, as I am away from home and some sites dont allow you to complete some tasks, when you are out of your home location.
Please be advised that I live in Australia and that this will be aimed at Australian members, the sites that I have chosen to advertise are all workable in Australia.
Cheers Macca.